Research Policies and Guidelines

The Department and Research Departmental Committee (RDC) are responsible for the development of research culture in the University Campus. The research policy of the university aims to create and support a research culture among all its stakeholders. It also ensure that the research activities of the university follows all applicable rules and regulation as well as to the established standards and norms relating to safe and ethical conduct of research.

Objectives of Research Policy:
  • To ensure that university meets its research goals as mentioned in the Vision and Strategic plan.
  • Develop a vibrant research environment in the University.
  • Develop rules, procedures and guidelines for supporting all other research related activities providing research support.
  • Strengthen the University capacity for strategic, technical and operational planning, budgeting and control of all research activities of the University.
  • To create and administer a research fund for supporting and facilitating research initiatives and projects of faculty members and students.
  • Develop rules, procedures and guidelines for granting study level and duty leave for faculty members undertaking research activities Identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by various academic, research and industry or government organizations.
  • Promote interdisciplinary research and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects.
  • Identify and establish linkages including MOUs for long term relationship with national and international research organizations for widening the scope of research opportunities.
  • Encourage and facilitate the publication of the research work/projects in reputed academic journals.
  • A reasonable amount is allocated to all research departments for augmenting research / lab work: however after need based analysis the amount is also disburses to individual teachers.
  • Encourage and facilitate the presentation/communication of the research work/projects as well as their findings and recommendations through academic events such as workshop/seminars/guest lectures or the media.
  • Develop, prescribe and administer rules and procedures to ensure the compliances of all researchers to the research quality assurance framework, the research code and all the applicable rules and regulations.
  • Admission in Ph.D. programme has been reformed in which the student is allotted Research Topic in the second phase whereas in the first phase the Objective of the research work is approved by RDC.